Download the Linux (Self-Extracting File) for x86-based kernels or Linux 圆4 for x86_64 kernels.To install the official Java Runtime Environment: Installing Java on Linux can be complicated because most distributions ship with a third party JRE called 'IcedTea', which functions differently than the Oracle JRE. To install the Java Runtime Environment or to update it, use the Apple Menu > System Update menu in the Finder. Oracle does not maintain the Java Runtime Environment on the Macintosh operating system. Restart the browser, and then log in to Serv-U to start Web Client Pro.Follow the prompts to complete Java installation.Click Free Java Download to download the Java Runtime Environment.In order to correct this, follow the directions below to install Java on your operating system. If Java is not installed on your system, or if you are using a third-party version of Java, you may encounter trouble running Web Client Pro.